Our mission is to provide personalised support to include and empower individuals with complex disabilities. We do this by offering tailored, individualised services that focus on community and family connection.


Individualised Services

SEQUAL strives to support individuals to pursue their vision for the future and live their best possible life. We match our staff carefully to individual needs to ensure compatibility and ensure staff are trained appropriately to meet needs. All individuals supported by SEQUAL have a Person Plan that can be updated at any time according to individual needs.

Client Driven

SEQUAL values the importance of independence, choice, and decision making.  We aim to empower all individuals to make informed decisions regarding their future by providing support that reflects individual needs and preferences.

All our clients have personal plans that are subject to change depending on the needs and wants of the individual. Our services are client driven, and our service model supports this flexibility, accommodating changes during support according to the needs and preferences of our clients.

Community Connection

We strive to support individuals to establish valued social roles in the community based on their individual interests, goals and passions. We highly value community involvement and have a huge focus on getting people out and about to have a great time in their local community. We believe in supporting individuals to be active community members through the pursuit of their interests and passions.

There’s nothing we love more than seeing the people we support make valued connections, and develop positive relationships.

Family Connection

SEQUAL believes in strong familial links and family connection and works closely with the families of our clients. We view this relationship as an integral part of the client-care process and understand the importance of listening closely to feedback from our clients’ families and ensuring that we are meeting their high standards of care at all times.


Interaction with families lets us understand important details about our clients’ needs, and also allows us to constantly be customising and updating our care packages in accordance with the changing requirements and desires of our clients and their families.

Contact us to get started with SEQUAL

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